Clever Hawk Branding Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary!

Today is Clever Hawk Branding’s one-year anniversary and I couldn’t be more thrilled with how these first twelve months in business have gone. It has been a whirlwind of learning, challenges, and amazing opportunities that I would not trade for the world. To celebrate this milestone and to reflect back on 2021, I wanted to share my lessons learned as a new entrepreneur and express my most sincere gratitude to all of those who have helped me along the way.

Lessons Learned During My 1st Year in Business

  1. You don’t always need to say yes, and you shouldn’t - This is a lesson I have undoubtedly learned, but still struggle with putting into practice. In the beginning it was just so exciting to have opportunities come my way, that I said yes to everything. Need a new website tomorrow? Sure thing. Want a business plan for an industry I know nothing about? Absolutely I can help you with that! As great as it was branching outside of my comfort zone and challenging myself in ways I never imagined, I have learned what I am good at and what I am not. Today my confidence in my skills is much stronger and I have less trouble saying no to work that I know is not in my wheelhouse. As an entrepreneur I have found that one of the greatest lessons you can learn is finding your sweet spot that allows you to continually learn and be challenged, without having to teach yourself from scratch.

  2. Not all clients are created equal - Let me preface this one with saying that I truly believe that every single client i’ve worked with this year has brought me great value. Some of that value was in the form of payment for my services. Some by helping me find my niche and where my true talents lie. And some brought me value in showing me exactly what I want to avoid in the future. I learned that it’s best to work with brands and people that want a strategic long-term partner. Where I don’t thrive, is working with those who already have all of the answers and just need someone to execute their vision - especially when their vision, and true marketing best practices don’t line up. Now I can tell pretty quickly if I click with a potential client or not, and I gravitate towards those that are going to be mutually beneficial!

  3. Taking risks don’t always work out, and that’s okay - During this first year I focused mostly on my main marketing consulting business, but I also dabbled in a couple of side ventures. One of these side ventures has been put on hold due to resource availability but I’m still hopeful for the future potential. Another took up a ton of my time, but ultimately wasn’t a viable product and the business partners involved had differing viewpoints that couldn’t be reconciled. Despite these two businesses essentially failing, I view the experiences as extremely beneficial. Both taught me a ton about business, working with others, and setting boundaries. I can honestly say I have zero regrets when it comes to the risks I took, money I invested, and time I spent on these projects. I believe success depends equally on having the guts to try things and knowing when to walk away.

  4. Networking is key - Throughout this first year there was periods of time where I was so swamped with work that I actively avoided new opportunities. The trouble with that approach is that busy periods slow down, and if you're not actively building your business, your work is going to experience lulls. I have learned that no matter how busy you are, networking is not something you should put on a hiatus. The second you stop investing time in your business, you will feel the affects of that at some point in the future. Your network is the most valuable resource you have, so always be nurturing it and putting yourself out there. I have found that the greatest opportunities have come from the least likely people and situations - so keep your mind and your heart open at all times!

  5. Give yourself a break - This first year in business I have undoubtedly been my own worst critic. At different points in time I have fallen victim to negative self talk, imposter syndrome, and of course expecting the worst. All of that is a massive waste of time. Each time I concocted some elaborate and awful scenario in my head, the reality turned out to be just fine. Every night I lost sleep over worrying about what a client was going to think of my work, they ended up loving it. One month I thought I wasn’t going to be able to pay my bills because I didn’t have enough work lined up, and it ended up being my most profitable month yet. Life has a way of working itself out as long as you are true to yourself, believe in the value that you provide, and keep a positive mindset. This next year I am going to work on being my own biggest fan instead of nitpicking myself and my work!

  6. Surround yourself with smart people, and listen to them - My clients, my friends, and my family have been an unwavering support system that I am forever grateful for. My good friends became my first client and were the driving force behind me having the courage to start my business in the first place. Unexpected people have reached out and shown me generosity that I cannot believe. Unlikely partners have come out of the woodwork to bring about opportunities that I would never have considered. And my husband has been the biggest supporter and cheerleader I can ever imagine. He has no shame in talking me up to total strangers, talking me off a ledge when i’m having a rough day, and listening to countless hours of me vent while giving me hard but necessary advice each step of the way. Starting a business is not for the faint of heart. Make sure you have a support system in place because it will be a journey that you do not want to take alone. Lean on those around you and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you really need it.

If you are thinking about starting your own business, or even if you already have, I hope these lessons resonate with you and give you the strength to know you are not alone. I don’t recommend starting a business in the midst of a pandemic, immediately after being laid off, and while pregnant. But i’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge. There is never a “right time” to take the leap - you just have to go for it. And when you do, let me know and I will help you grow your brand and cheer you on each step of the way!


Adobe Summit Thoughts


Be a Grateful Brand