Adobe Summit Thoughts
This year’s theme for Adobe Summit is all about the digital space and how to help your brand thrive in this fast-paced environment. The event kicked off with a keynote focused on making the digital economy more personal which was a great synopsis of the other great sessions from the event. If you missed it, be sure to check it out for free here! Ryan Reynolds (my celebrity crush) of course stole the show with his wisdom, comparing the digital marketing world to Hollywood and how similar the worlds can be. Below are my biggest takeaways from the session and what brands should be focused on now and into the future!
Making a spectacle only gets you so far - Brands often go for edgy, out-there ways of capturing their audiences attention to break through the clutter. It works from time to time, but this method makes it hard to have staying power. Have you ever loved a commercial but can’t recall what it was actually for just minutes after? That’s because spectacle gets you noticed, but character gets you remembered. Sure the Budweiser Clydesdales aren’t the most provocative thing you’ve ever seen, but you remember them and what they stand for which is more powerful then any 30 second moment of wow!
You have to join the convo to become part of the convo - Engagement is so important for any brand. I have so many clients that are interested in posting beautiful pictures on their social media accounts, or creating that next viral video, but aren’t willing to put in the energy to actually engage with their audience. In our fast paced culture it is critical to be a part of trending conversations, engage with your customers, and move at the speed that humans do!
Be authentic - People know when you are marketing to them, so the more authentic and true you can be the more trust you will build between you and your customers. My husband got a sales voicemail the other day where the woman said “someone gave me your name and recommended we speak”. Right off the bat you know that she’s lying or she would have mentioned that “someone’s” name which immediately turns me off of her and whatever it is she’s selling. I would have preferred she leave a message that says “Hi! You don’t know me but I am trying to sell you XYZ and I would totally appreciate a call back to hear my pitch and if your not interested I won’t ever bother you again!”
Let your mind wander - Ryan Reynolds said his most creative moments come when he disconnects and I couldn’t agree more! (shocking right?) It is in the most obscure times that I get my greatest ideas. Walking to dog in the park, taking a shower, lying in bed before I fall asleep… it’s in these moments when I don’t have a phone in my hand or a person in my ear that I get my aha moments. So next time you find yourself needing your creative juices flowing, create the space to let your imagination flourish.
Take risks - Marketing is a giant experiment and anyone that tells you different is full of it. There is no magic formula, or industry best practice that is a sure success. The best brand wins come as a result of a ton of experimenting, most of which resulting in failures that you learn from. Any time I start working with a new client I am very clear with them that i’ve never done this before, but we will figure it out. Sure i’ve probably don’t that type of work before, but never for their specific brand so I am going to approach it uninhibited and without any pre-conceived notions. Failures are just as beneficial for a brand then successes and I stand by that every time!
Utilize technology whenever possible - If your one of these people that says things like “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” then your part of your own problems. The world is moving so fast, that if you’re not continually looking for new ways to leverage technology to enhance your business then you are going to become obsolete quickly. Whether it’s diving head first into that social platform that you’ve been avoiding, or trying out that project management tool you heard about, or even automating a silly administrative task that you hate doing… just do it! Especially do it if it can customize or enhance your customer’s experience!
If your brand needs any help strategizing and working these concepts into your future plans please contact me today to see how we can help each other!