Be a Grateful Brand

Tis the season for expressing gratitude, which is also true for businesses. As a relatively new entrepreneur, I can see how easily a business can get consumed by the day-to-day logistics, fire drills, and workload. It’s not uncommon to let the constant doing get in the way of reflection, and ultimately expressing appreciation for all the good. This holiday season it is important to hit pause (just for a moment) and show gratitude for your growth, your customers, your employees, your partners, and all of those that support your brand. Here are some clever ways to give thanks where thanks is deserved before we head full force into the new year!

5 Clever Ways to Give Thanks

  1. Celebrate your own wins (show yourself some love) - Sometimes the best place to start is within. When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back for everything you have accomplished? Not often enough I am sure! Take a moment to reflect on the past year and all of the growth that you have experienced. Even if you didn’t reach all of your goals, there are still wins that are worthy of being recognized. Share them with your fans in a public way and encourage others to do the same. When your employees, customers, vendors, partners, and supporters see what you’ve done, they will be proud to have been a part of it too.

  2. Send handwritten letters - Depending on the size of your company, this may or may not be possible. But if your small or have few clients, be sure to take the time to thank them personally for supporting your business and for trusting you as a partner. If you are larger encourage your employees to help you curate letters for your biggest supporters and see how many you can put a personal touch on. The added effort goes a long way, plus everyone loves getting a handwritten letter. Personally I love sited like for their high quality card designs, but this year I opted to design my own and have them printed through Canva. Do what works for you!

  3. Give back to others - Many of us like to donate to charities or causes that are close to our hearts, but the brands that really do this concept justice are the ones with a real purpose behind it. Tie your cause to your brand’s overall mission and give back in a meaningful way. Maybe you take a day off during the month of December and donate your time. Or you can dedicate a portion of all proceeds towards a worthy charity. Or you can offer your product or services for free to someone or a group of people that would particularly benefit from it. Be creative and give from the heart - not for the PR.

  4. Offer a deal - Depending on your brand’s product or service offerings, this time of year might be perfect to give a deal to those most loyal to your business. Rewarding your supports is always a good idea whether in the form of freebies, discounts, or exclusive offerings not available to the public. This makes people feel appreciated and increases engagement with your brand.

  5. Share your knowledge - Especially for branding in the service industry, your biggest asset is the knowledge that you provide. Likely your knowledge comes at a price, but why not share a nugget of it for free this holiday season? Create a special white paper, exclusive newsletter, or instructional video that you can share publicly. This could open your brand up to a broader audience or re-engage existing members of your network.

Yes we could all stick to the tried and true leather bound notebook, box of chocolates, or Starbucks gift card that we know will get use. But why not think outside of the box and put some intention and purpose behind how you choose to express your gratitude this year? Be a brand that isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and get personal with those who support your business. If you need help strategizing for your end of the year efforts or creating your 2022 marketing plan be sure to reach out and schedule a free consultation to see how Clever Hawk can help you achieve your branding goals!


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