Writing Tips That Make a Difference
I recently read an article from Entrepreneur.com that shared six ways Stephen King can improve your business writing. These are so spot on I had to share and add my own thoughts on this super important topics. Here is my spin on this very sound and worthwhile writing advice:
Read and Write Often - It is so easy today to pick up a phone and scroll aimlessly or turn on a TV and binge watch for hours. But there is so much power in reading a book, journaling, or writing things down that is so underrated. Reading and writing cultivate your creativity and feed your mind - do these things as often as you possibly can and you will notice a difference!
Stop Using Fancy Words - The most relatable and digestible writing doesn’t include tons of unique words that the reader has to Google, or long complicated sentences. Keep your thoughts short and simple. For those of you who are better at articulating your thoughts verbally, try dictating into your phone and then editing from there. When we write like we talk, the final product is much greater quality.
Write With Confidence - When your writing about a topic that you are knowledgable about, be sure to write with that same confidence. Avoid phrases like “I hope this information helps you” or words like might, usually, or can. Instead tell the reader why they should listen to your words and how they WILL benefit them. This is especially true when writing about yourself on a resume or a LinkedIn profile.
Consistency is Key - When you make writing a habit, something that you do every day or every week during a certain time, your writing quality will improve tremendously. It also gets easier! When you get into a rhythm, you will find that words just come to you quicker and your writing style will start to take a consistent tone.
Stop Using Corporate Jargon - I am adding this one because I just can’t help myself. I see it all the time in business writing (especially emails) and it just has to stop. I even have some clients that prefer that I include some of these terms when writing for them and it makes me cringe every time
“Per our conversation” - Why not just say we already talked about this but I’m putting it in writing because you’ll forget and I want to cover my ass
“With that regard” and “In order to” - Just delete these phrases whenever you feel the need to type them, they serve no purpose!
“Per my last email” - It’s polite, but not really. Just call it what it is - I already told you this and now I have to remind you again
“Low-hanging fruit” - Just ew… nobody talks like that!
“I hope this email finds you well” - Again, you would never say that to a person face to face, so don’t write it! Be more personal. Say something like, “Hey Sally! I hope your doing well, how are the kids?”
“To put it more simply” or “Said another way” - Can you be any more condescending?
”Kind Regards” - I just don’t like this one.
“Thanks in advance” - If your telling someone to do something just say thank you. If your asking someone to do something, wait until they confirm they can rather than assume they will.
“Let’s Circle Back on This” - Just say this topic obviously requires more conversation and schedule a time to chat!
Download Grammarly - I write constantly and I still need a tool to help me with my spelling and grammar. This free tool is perfect to help you catch any mistakes before you hit send, helping you look better!
We all fall victim to these writing faux pas from time to time, in order to sound professional. (Ha see what I did there?) What are the tips that will help you most with your writing style? Try them out this week and see how much your writing improves with time! If you need any help with your business writing or a specific project, email me to set up a time to chat about how I might be able to help!