Write Like You Mean It

One of the biggest challenges I see my client’s facing is writer’s block. There are common reasons that I see people struggle in this area, but the good news is that they have easy fixes! Try these five strategies next time you are struggling with writing new content for social media, blogs, websites, campaigns, or even just your daily emails. 

  1. Make a List - People often think that they need a fully thought-out concept to start writing. What I find to be helpful is keeping a list of topics or ideas that you can continuously add to. That way when it comes time to write, you have something to work from. I like to look at my list and see what idea speaks to me on that given day and then go with it! When it comes to writing an email to someone, bullet point out the major points you want to make first, and then fill in the rest. Once you get the main point that you want to make figured out, the rest will come to you more naturally.

  2. Write Like You Speak - Raise your hand if you hate corporate jargon and unnecessary big words! If you wouldn’t say it while chatting on the phone to your bestie, chances are it doesn’t belong in whatever copy you are working on. People like to consume content in written form the same way they like to hear content. A cool trick to try to achieve this effect is to dictate what you want to say into your phone first and then edit from there. My go to secret is that I read everything I write aloud to myself and if it sounds weird coming out, it probably reads weird too, so fix it!

  3. Keep it Casual - As a society we are becoming less and less formal overall. Casual doesn’t mean unprofessional, which is often where people’s minds go when I bring this topic up. You must be cognizant of your brand and your audience when writing, but overall people prefer easy reads over the alternative. Try incorporating humor, candidness, or being direct to give your readers the opportunity to see your authenticity in its purest form.

  4. Be Short and Sweet - In a time where our attention spans are shorter than a gold fish’s, it is critical to make your point, and make it quick. Big, uncommon words, drawn out examples, too much backstory, and beating around the bush should all be avoided. When I write something, I go back and delete a large percentage of it before I post it. (This blog started out as five chapters… just kidding!) Be sure to put your hook in the beginning, make it stand out, and then give your reader something of value so that they read all the way through!

  5. Check Yourself Before Your Wreck Yourself - I am going to go out on limb here and admit that I am terrible when it comes to spelling and grammar. I know, I know - a writer admitting that she sucks at writing. I share this fact for the greater good because I whole heartedly believe that being a good writer is way more than knowing which form of (there, their, they’re) is appropriate in a sentence. However, having grammar and spelling mistakes in your writing, especially your professional writing, is a major no no. Protect your brand by having someone proof your content and downloading amazing tools like Grammarly to double check you.

If you don’t retain any of the five tips above, please remember to have fun with your writing. Whether you are writing to educate, inform, entertain, or instruct, we all like to have a little fun no matter what we are doing. Put yourself out there, write from your heart, and don’t forget to spell check!


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