Let Your Brand Soar.
Hawk (verb) /hôk/
To hawk something, means to offer something for sale, typically advertising by shouting at customers.
That is often what it feels like when you are the target of a campaign or a sales pitch.
But there is a better way for companies to cut through the marketing clutter - you just have to be clever!
The first step towards achieving your goals, is figuring out what they are. Often that first step is the hardest, because we all have SO MANY things that we want to become. Narrowing down your goals to the smartest ones, and creating a comprehensive strategy to get there is the best investment you can make in your brand!
Marketing & Brand Strategy
Content & Communications Planning
Streamlining & Efficiency
Leveraging Technology & Resources
Have you ever envisioned something amazing, yet you couldn’t go that next step? You are not alone! Sometimes you need help taking ideas and bringing them to life. I work with clients to develop a deep understanding of their brand and then help them execute.
User Experience
Presentations & Proposals
If only there were more hours in a day to create all of the great content that you imagine up. But sadly there is not, and most of us enjoy our nights and weekends. I help brands supplement the great content that they already have, so that you can spend more time ON the business rather than IN the business.
Social Media
How do I make my brand more clever?
Check out my blog which focuses on helping brands
become their truest and most authentic selves.